Butt-welded joint equipment Can be divided according to popular usage as follows:
ELBOW 45° Use when you want to change the flow direction at an angle of 45°
ELBOW 90° Use when you want to change the flow direction to a 90° angle.
There are currently two types of elbow joints: the Long Radius type and the Short Radius type. At present, the Long Radius type is commonly used.
ELBOW 180° Use when you want to change the flow direction to an angle of 180°
STRAIGHT TEE Used when the flow needs to be separated at 90° from the main pipe to the branch pipe where the size of the main pipe and branch pipe are the same.
REDUCING TEE Used when wanting to reduce the size of the pipe and separate the flow in a 90° manner from the main pipe to the branch pipe. Where the size of the main pipe is larger than the branch pipe.
CONCENTRIC REDUCER Used for reducing pipe size, such as when wanting to reduce pipe size from 4 to 3. The purpose is to want the main pipe and branch pipe to have the same center of the pipe. Can be installed both horizontally and vertically.
ECCENTRIC REDUCER Used for reducing pipe size. The aim is to keep the top or bottom of the main and branch pipes in the same plane. to organize the installation space and used in installing the suction pipe of a water pump To prevent air cavitation and water from entering. It will be easy to expel the air that occurs.
CAP Used when wanting to block or block fluid.